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● Animal record

CC10911Medical record number:CC10911
Cage no.:Coloane Municipal Kennel - J17
Date of entry to the kennel:23/02/2024
Time of entry to the kennel:1:00 PM
Microchip no.:900215005686892
Sex:Neutered Male
Rabies vaccination:Valid
Combined vaccination:Valid
Age:3 to 12 months
Notice date:26/02/2024
Last date for reclamation :05/03/2024
Remark:Povoação de Sam Ka

If an owner lost the animal concerned, he/she is advised to bring identification document to the Macao Municipal Kennel during the mentioned period to process the reclaiming procedure in person. An animal which has not been claimed after the statutory period will be confiscated by IAM and handled by means deemed appropriate by IAM, including giving it priority in the search for a suitable adopter.
Last update : 26/07/2024
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